Thursday, February 24, 2005

The Beginning of Grief

When we arrived back at my house I knew I needed to make the necessary phone calls. The first to my sister, I needed her desperately. I can still hear her today as she screamed out, no it's not true. We both cried.

It wasn't long before neighbors, friends,and co-workers stopped at my house to express their condolences. I won't go into the details of all the events that followed. There were two specific feelings I had that I want to write about. The next morning, Friday,I was up before Jeff and Dawn (did I even sleep?) and it was a beautiful day. The temperature was eighty degrees and the sun was shining. All I could think of was how could this day be so beautiful when my world was falling apart.

My second recollection is that on Friday evening, my friends were gathered in my living room. As I was sitting,I looked around at everyone there. I had an odd feeling, everyone was accounted for, but I felt another presence, but could not see anyone. I have always believed that Paul was there with us and wanted to comfort me.

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