Monday, May 23, 2005

Eskimo Legend

I had to go to a Hallmark store to buy a sympathy card. I, unfortunately, became an "expert" on what I considered a card should express. In my opinion a card should have a sincere and appropriate sentiment. I liked this card so much, that I bought it for myself!!

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Perhaps they are not the stars,
but rather openings in Heaven
Where the love of our lost ones
pour through
And shines down upon us,
to let us know they are happy.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

The Compassionate Friends

About nine months after Paul died someone told me about Compassionate Friends.

Briefly, the organization began in 1969 in Coventry, England by two couples whose paths had crossed at the hospital where their sons had died. They found comfort in sharing their grief and were joined by the hospital Chaplin. From there the word spread and chapters began. In 1978, word of the organization spread rapidly through interest generated by the Phil Donahue Show and the columns of Dear Abby and Ann Landers. Everything you need to know about TCF can be found in their web site in which I have a link.

TCF was a lifesaver for me; I was no longer alone in my feelings. I found out that I wasn't crazy. In those meetings we would cry, we would laugh, we could even finish each others sentences. We would nod our head in agreement, we would support, and our tears were shared, we felt each other’s pain. We remembered out children together at balloon lifts, where we placed a message to our child and sent them off to heaven. We remember our children at the candle lighting ceremony, which take place each December. This year in Boston on July 3rd there will be a "Walk to Remember" and the volunteers will carry the names of children that have died too soon. You can add a name on the web site, I did. Along with Paul I entered the names of Mary Margaret Bradford, my dearest friend Barbara's, niece. I added Scott Craumbaugh, Jeff's boyhood friend and Christopher Michael who we will never forget.

The Compassionate Friends helped me to begin my journey of healing and I will forever be grateful for their help.

If you should check it out go to the link that shows the states that have a website, my personal favorite is from Kentucky. There they have music, which is played at some meetings. The one that is played most often is called "Precious Child". It will bring tears of sadness but the words express the true feelings of a bereaved parent.

June 17,2005

The following is information I received in an e-newsletter today from Compassionate Friends:

Bereavement Packets Available


Did you know that the National Office is happy to send an individually customized packet of bereavement materials to professionals and family members seeking help with grief following the death of a child? Last year the National Office sent out more than 30,000 customized packets. If you or someone you know has experienced the death of a child, sibling, or grandchild, and would benefit from receiving information, please call the TCF National Office toll-free at 877-969-0010. There is no charge. You may also call the same number for referral information to the nearest TCF chapter.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

My Last Mother's Day Card from Paul

"When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure"

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I love you Paul and miss you with all my heart.