Friday, February 03, 2006

Sun and grief

I was interested in a website where it covered your horoscope and a spiritual message. I joined for awhile but later found it a bit too much for my taste. Some of the messages were good, particularly one about the sun and its healing power so I added my comment which I shall share here. I believe I had mentioned this earlier in my blog about how I felt the day after I found my son, but I can't help but repeat it. The feelings I had that day are etched in my mind. Sadly, there are many events up to and after that will forever be with me.

Someone made a comment on the John Denver song and wrote "Sunshine Makes Me Happy" and I wrote:
It was the morning of October '99 and I walked out onto my front porch and the sun was shining brightly and warmly. Tears were streaming down my face and I wondered how a day could be so beautiful and my heart was filled with such unbearable heartache and grief. On this day I had to make funeral arrangements for my son. I will never forget the sunshine of that day.

Here is the link to the website if you want to check it out: