Saturday, December 10, 2005

Thanksgiving 2000

The time is now one month after surgey and I am still on medical leave. It is Thanksgiving Day and plans were made to spend it with my friends Rhonda,Bud and his family. We had a good time but I missed my family. Early Friday morning I was talking with Jeff's wife, Dawn, (now ex) and she talked of how they were going to my niece's house that evening to celebrate Rosie's birthday (my great niece). I felt so bad that I would not be with my family and it was at that point I wondered if I could just drive home. I called my doctor and asked if I was at a point in recovery where I could drive 350 miles. He said yes, but take it easy and make a lot of stops. I said I would, but knew I would not!! I was used to driving home straight through with usually one stop where I would take a bathroom break, gas up the car and grab something at McDonalds. A little surgery was not going to slow me down. I called Dawn to let her know I was coming but we would make it a surprise. I called my neighbors Bob & Gladys to let them know, they would keep an eye on my house along with Ruth, my other neighbor, who took care of my cats. I packed lightly and left.

At around 7PM, I showed up at Jackie's house (my niece), at the same time as Jeff. He walked in first and then me, the look on my family's face was priceless!! They were so surprised to see me. Of course it was a great evening and I was so happy to be with my family. I stayed for a few days and then headed back home, knowing that I would be back for Christmas.

Note: my reference to two homes!!!! one in Southern Illinois and one in Chicago!!

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