Wednesday, October 04, 2006

This is big!!!

I have made a giant step forward in healing. Let me explain.

I had mentioned earlier in my blog that Paul's funeral was on October 31, 1999. Yes, on Halloween, nothing like another huge reminder of the saddest day of my life each year!

In the past, as a child and in the years to come with my boys, Halloween was always a fun and anticipated day. That ended 7 years ago. Just recently this is where the signs of my healing is beginning to show. I had bought this gorgeous wreath to put on my front door and after talking with the shopkeeper had decided in order to keep with the holidays I would add something in the center of this wreath. So I went ahead and bought an ugly old witch made of cloth and placed it in the wreath the other day. In addition, I was shopping at Walgreens and bought a skeleton pen with fuzzy orange stuff and it lights up when you write and a necklace shaped like a pumpkin to wear at work on Halloween. I am telling you that this is really more steps in the right direction and I think Paul would approve.

Funny though, I unintentionally bought 3 things .... Paul's favorite number!!!

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