Today as I was cleaning the condo and while in the bathroom I had a scary moment. I was moving things around on the bathroom vanity I heard the bowl in my hand clink against the porcelain sink. My heart sank as I thought I might have broken the bowl. Now this bowl is old and anyone one would think what’s the big deal? It doesn’t look like it’s worth anything. But it is special; Paul gave it to me and there is a story behind it. Of course the story is meaningful only to me, but if another bereaved parent should read this they would understand.
Paul was about 24 years old and just moved into an apartment that he shared with another young man. Some time later his roommate moved out. It wasn’t long after I had stopped by and noticed this pretty, but chipped bowl on the table. It had an antique look to it so I commented how I thought it was pretty and where did it come from. Well his old roommate left it behind. I asked him if I could have it and he said not really he used it for his cereal.
Time went by and I had forgotten all about the bowl until one day out of the blue, Paul asked me if I still wanted it. I said yes and then he handed it over to me. It is not like it was a huge sacrifice or any big deal, but the story is a special memory.
There is just a bit more to my story that I want to add. Time had passed and I was out shopping and found this big white bowl and printed in blue, it said cereal bowl. Perfect!! I bought it so I could replace the pretty bowl that Paul had given to me. I kept the big cereal bowl for a very long time and then I gave it to Jeff, Paul’s brother. Jeff and I do that from time to time, swap things that are Pauls. We share his precious things and relive our precious memories.
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